Saturday, July 17, 2010

“Colors of Mosaic” by Guest Blogger – Memoona Sajjad Pakistan

Memoona graduated with a major in English Literature and International relations. She is currently teaching and working as a freelance writer. Her first book "Us versus Them and Beyond" was released in March 2010.

It is amazing how effortlessly the connections at Mosaic materialized. It is as if we have known each other for years... It just shows that while our diversity adds the colour, at the core we share common values emerging from the Unity that is so central to Islam. The way we have all been gelled together with all our uniqueness, individualism and cultural diversity, only goes to illustrate how we can create a beautiful 'mosaic' full of the colours of humanity by knowing ourselves and respecting others as they are. The beautiful and intricate painting that materialized as we all worked on our tiny bits of paper is a powerful symbol indeed. It is a metaphor of the potential of collective human endeavour and how every individual adds his unique colour to create the Mosaic that is the human family.

I would also like to share an amazing project called "The Story of Stuff". The mission of the project is to mission is to build a strong, diverse, decentralized, cross-sector movement to transform systems of production and consumption to serve ecological sustainability and social wellbeing. Our goals are to amplify public discourse on a diverse set of sustainability issues and to facilitate the growing Story of Stuff community’s involvement in strategic efforts to build a more sustainable and just world.

You can check out a cool video here on The Story of Stuff.

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